What is a teeth gap, and how to treat it?


Gapped teeth, also called diastema, cause gaps between teeth. Diastema is commonly used for the gap between upper front teeth, the most common in the mouth. More than 50% of children in the age group under 5 possess this gap, which usually closes by age 10 or 13. If the gap has not closed even after the eruption of Adult incisor teeth and adult canine it will not close on its own.

Other than genetics, some other reasons also cause gaps in teeth. Suppose there is a mismatch between the size of your teeth and your child's jaw, then your child's teeth will get some extra room for spacing apart. In addition, some of the habits in childhood, such as using a pacifier or thumb sucking, cause gaps between the front two teeth.

Another major cause of teeth gaps is high frenum attachment  issues, where the maxillary labial frenum is a tissue strip connecting the upper lip's base to the gum tissue between two front teeth. If this tissue strip is very thick, it will prohibit the two front teeth from coming close.

Even if this spot is distressing, you can treat it over time by consulting your dentist. Your dentist will do teeth bonding for the gaps to fill the required space.


Teeth bonding treats gaps between teeth or diastema

Teeth bonding is a cosmetic treatment that uses composite resin of tooth color. Your dentist carefully sculpts this resin into the required shape and size to cover the gap between the front incisors.

The whole process is straightforward and is completed with just one visit to your dentist. At first, your dentist chooses a shade of material for bonding that matches well with your teeth. Then the surface of your teeth is prepared for receiving the bond material. Here the dentist will etch the surface of your teeth and then apply a liquid on the surface for conditioning for the bond to adhere correctly.


Application of the material

Once the bonding is applied on your teeth surface then start to apply the material. The texture of this material is putty, allowing the dentist to shape and mold it when it is in your mouth until your dentist is delighted with the looks of the front teeth. Then your dentist will use Blue light to cure and harden the bonding material in its place. The whole bonding material is then polished to prevent irritating the lips' interior part.


Who are good candidates for teeth bonding?

Teeth bonding is used for closing gaps between teeth, but you must know that it is not the same as orthodontic treatment. According to the National Institute of Health, many patients with diastemas can't be treated with teeth bonding only. When there are any other dental issues other than the teeth gaps, like crooked or overcrowded teeth or misaligned teeth, then your dentist will recommend seeing a good orthodontist.

But if your dental issue is only a tiny gap between the front teeth, you might not require orthodontic treatment, and your dentist will consider treating the gap by a teeth bonding process. Your dentist will let you know if you are the right candidate for teeth bonding or not.


Is teeth bonding suitable for you?

Even if your dentist says you are a good candidate for teeth bonding, you should still consider certain things before starting the treatment. Some of your habits can make the procedure less desirable. So, ensure you discuss the following things you might have with your dentist.

At first, the teeth bonding material is porous. Therefore, if you have a habit of smoking cigarettes or drinking coffee regularly, the bonding material will become stained and have a yellow appearance. If you are worried about teeth staining, your dentist recommends closing the gap using porcelain veneers, which do not get stained quickly. But your natural teeth can become discolored. So, to keep the color consistency between your natural teeth and the veneers, you should incorporate whitening toothpaste into your daily care routine.

Another thing to consider is the teeth bonding material is not as strong as the natural teeth. This means those who often bite fingernails or chew pens might chip the bonding material as it is located in the front teeth. The bonding generally lasts for many years, but when you have a biting habit, you will find that you require repairs sooner than usual.



Space between your teeth is always one of the significant reasons to consult your dentist to discuss various treatment options. Teeth bonding can be a suitable treatment option; if not, you can opt for orthodontic treatment or any similar comprehensive treatment method. MyDentalPlan is one of the most extensive dental networks speeding up the standardized and best quality oral health services in India.




About the Author:

Suprithi Choudhary, M.Pharm (Pharmacology) Medical Content writer

Suprithi is a Pharma Professional working as a medical content writer and previously worked as a Research Scientist and Senior Research Analyst


  • C.M Academy
  • Attended the Panjab University- Chandigarh, Pharma post-graduate in Pharmacology


  • gaps in teeth
  • teeth gap filling
  • reason for gap in teeth
  • gaps in teeth causes