Did you know that you can prevent your cavities? Yes, by having the #1 diet to heal your teeth. Eating healthy is good for overall health and wellness. It is also one step towards a cavity-free life. 

Intake of healthy fats can make a huge difference and heal cavities naturally! There are indeed some healthy and unhealthy fats out there, but if you can identify the good ones, you can make the most out of them and lead a healthy oral life.

In a roundabout way, consuming fats helps us get the minerals for our teeth which helps in the remineralization of enamel, Not just for our teeth and mouth. Still, it also benefits our body in lots of different ways.

Here’s how it flows…


Increased Healthy Fat →  Increased Fat-soluble Vitamins →  Increased Minerals

Consuming more high-quality fat gives us access to the vitamins like A, D, E, and K2 that are contained within and work with these fats. The uptake and utilization of minerals from the food we eat are determined by our bodies.

Like the experts have mentioned for years, “we are what we eat” isn’t entirely on point. Instead, the accurate statement should be, ‘we are what we absorb from what we eat, as this considers the importance of digestion and absorption in our quest for optimal health through healthy eating.

The key takeaway is that all-natural fats have a unique role in a healthy diet. Some are more helpful than others, but each one is important. What would be necessary though, is to avoid unnatural fats in our diet. Eating junk is not a very good thing for your teeth because they are acidic which causes demineralization of the enamel and disturbs the overall health hence should be avoided.


Be smart while snacking

A snack is a great way to keep your energy levels up between meals, but choosing the right foods is crucial to prevent tooth decay.

Most of the popualr snacks contain starch like crisps that can get trapped between teeth leading to plaque build-up over time.

As opposed to crisps, nuts contain healthy fats that help cleanse the teeth and maintain the pH of the mouth. One can also munch on to a handful of unsalted almonds that may serve as a great alternative and are crammed full of calcium - the main mineral needed to maintain strong teeth. If you like sugary snacks, dentist recommend getting your fix in one hit rather than grazing throughout the day.


Avoid grazing over food items

He said: “Snacking on sugary snacks throughout the day increases the amount of acid your teeth are exposed to. This means its better to have your favourite piece of chocolate in one go, after a meal than than nibbling over it for a period of few hours. 


Choose crunchy salads over leafy greens

Leafy greens like kale, spinach, and celery are high in fiber and low in calories, which makes them great vegetables for teeth. The fibre rich leafy greens helps scrub away food debris and plaque while giving your body a dose od calcium and iron. Not everyone is a fan of consuming leafy greens but adding some kale or spinach into your sandwich or salad is a great way to pack some leafy goodness into your diet.


Choose 'lighter' alcoholic drinks

Certain alcoholic drinks contain sugar just as much as most fizzy drinks. Drinks like champagne that contains sugar can dissolve your tooth enamel due to their high acidity, which can increase the risk of tooth erosion.

Make sure you choose lighter alcoholic drink, like vodka and slim-line tonic, and see the difference yourself of having a healthy teeth for years. 

While we are sure, you must be taking care of all that has been shared, seeing a dentist is not a big deal anymore. With MyDentalPlan, you must consult India's best dentist from the ease of your home with standardized prices. MyDentalPlan, India's largest dental network, is your one-stop solution to keep your oral problems at bay and make oral health accessible for all.




About the Author:

Suprithi Choudhary, M.Pharm (Pharmacology) Medical Content writer

Suprithi is a Pharma Professional working as a medical content writer and previously worked as a Research Scientist and Senior Research Analyst


  • C.M Academy
  • Attended the Panjab University- Chandigarh, Pharma post-graduate in Pharmacology

Special thanks to Dr Deepak Kulkarni, a dental surgeon with over 23 years of experience who proofread this blog. He graduated from the H.K.E's Dental College, Gulbarga, and has certifications in ACHS International Accreditation Education Plan; Advanced Rotary Endodontic - Restorative Continuum; and Leadership, Team Building and Customer Service Leadership from the Oscar Murphy International.




  • cavities
  • consuming vitamins
  • healthy teeth
  • oral care
  • dental care
  • MyDentalPlan
  • Eating junk
  • Eating healthy food