What are Transparent/Invisible Teeth Braces?

You must remember those displeasing big braces you dreaded when you were a kid, millennials will know what that means. Earlier these conventional braces were known to be confidence killers and not smile correctors because of the way they made the wearer feel. Over time they have developed and have become more acceptable in society. 

The invention of transparent aligners for teeth alignment has been a boon and confidence booster to the youngsters. Being nearly invisible and yet straightening the teeth, clear braces have become the first choice for all. You no longer need to have misaligned teeth and fear being called names for wearing dorky braces.

Delaying dental treatment, especially non-aligned, overcrowded or crooked teeth might give rise to infection or gingivitis in the mouth, thus hampering your overall oral health. Therefore, it is time for action! If you have any of the following conditions then you must consider getting transparent/clear teeth braces immediately.


1. Crowded Teeth

It is a condition where your teeth overlap or are rotated as your mouth doesn't have enough space to fit all the teeth within the jawline.


2. Overbite

In this condition, the alignment of upper and lower teeth malfunctioned causing the teeth to protrude outwards. 


3. Underbite

An underbite teeth condition is where the lower set of teeth overlap on the top of the upper front teeth. 


4. Crossbite

Crossbite dental condition occurs due to misalignment of the upper and lower arches of your teeth. 


5. Gaps between teeth and space

Extra space between the teeth can also be treated with Invisible aligners. 


6. Openbite

An open bite is a type of malocclusion, which means your back teeth are closed and aren't aligned properly when the jaws are closed. In this condition, the upper and lower teeth touch each other, but your front teeth do not touch causing a gap between the upper and lower teeth.


7. Deep bite

A deep bite is a malocclusion of your teeth that occurs due to misalignment between your upper front teeth which overlap the bottom front teeth. The upper and lower teeth overlap each other when the back teeth are closed. In such cases, the lower teeth are almost invisible when the person smiles.


What are Transparent Braces & how do they work?

Clear aligners or invisible teeth braces are transparent trays that cover your teeth and work as braces to correctly align them. The force these aligners put on your teeth is very gentle but constant which is required to reposition your teeth. These are custom-made for each patient according to their requirement. A digital 3-D scan is done by the dentist which creates a 360-degree view of the teeth and also predicts the treated look. The aligners are then created based on the scan, the material used is medical-grade, BPA-free plastic.

Since one set is capable of only moving your teeth one or less than one millimeter, multiple sets of these transparent braces are used. The transparent trays are changed every few days, depending on the patient’s dental condition. 

Even though they must be worn for about 22 hrs straight on a daily basis for them to work as they are meant to, you will be presented with many options to select from. 

If you are wondering whether these clear teeth aligners are uncomfortable or painful, think again. Most are trimmed below the gum level to fit perfectly on your teeth and are ever so slightly felt the others that do cover some portion of gum only give little discontent in the beginning. Thanks to our always evolving and flexibly adapting bodies, these feel very normal very soon.

Also Read :- Types/Cost Of Braces For Teeth

Advantages of Getting Transparent Braces

We know there is no hassle of those painful wired braces in these clear aligners but what are some other advantages that one may get from choosing them? Since these are nearly invisible they don’t change any aesthetic appearance. They are also removable which makes it way easier to eat any type of food because no food items may stick to the teeth as in the case of conventional braces which are complicated to clean for best oral hygiene. They are certainly less painful and need fewer doctor visits along with a very specific timeline for the complete treatment. 

What are the disadvantages of Getting Transparent Braces?

  • They are expensive when compared to other traditional braces
  • It can be easily removed and so the chances of misplacing them are high
  • Initially, for a few weeks, they may cause discomfort due to snugly fit
  • Your teeth and gums should be in good condition before getting the invisible braces
  • In complex cases the invisible braces may not be a good option. in such cases orthodontists may recommend you to go with traditional braces.

Also Read :- Self Ligating Metal Braces

Transparent Braces cost in India

Quality comes at a price, we are all aware of that, even though these clear braces are a better option, not everyone chooses them. It is unawareness about dental health as well as about invisible braces that comes into play in these situations. But there is also a reason for pricing, invisible teeth braces cost in India goes up to 90K to 3.5 lakhs, depending on the patient’s customized treatment. 

Yes, invisible teeth braces prices are higher than wired braces but there are also multiple reasons that are mentioned above to get these. But what about those who can not afford to get invisible teeth braces? MyDentalPlan customized plan will have you covered.

India’s largest dental network with the best dentist also provides treatment cost financing and treatment benefit plans. The one-stop solution at your fingertips will enable you to get 550+ treatments at standardized pricing with quality service anywhere in India. Do not wait any longer, visit http://mydentalplan.in/ today!




About the Author:

Suprithi Choudhary, M.Pharm (Pharmacology) Medical Content writer

Suprithi is a Pharma Professional working as a medical content writer and previously worked as a Research Scientist and Senior Research Analyst


  • C.M Academy
  • Attended the Panjab University- Chandigarh, Pharma post-graduate in Pharmacology

Special thanks to Dr Deepak Kulkarni, a dental surgeon with over 23 years of experience who proofread this blog. He graduated from the H.K.E's Dental College, Gulbarga, and has certifications in ACHS International Accreditation Education Plan; Advanced Rotary Endodontic - Restorative Continuum; and Leadership, Team Building and Customer Service Leadership from the Oscar Murphy International.





  • Clear aligners
  • invisible teeth braces
  • transparent braces