The Miraculous UV-Rays Of Dentistry



Pandemic has made much difference in the way people around the world have been living. From the way of greeting friends to cleaning, disinfecting their devices and surfaces to avoid infection, everything has changed.


Considering the usefulness, many UV based disinfectants have flooded the markets for the purpose of sanitising everything, from laptops to currency notes.

UV-ray is a form of electromagnetic radiation with a shorter wavelength than that of visible light but stronger than X-rays and present in sunlight. If used in very light intensity (as guided) it is significantly effective in getting rid of disease-causing microorganisms. 

Various medical procedures have been using the same in treatments, similarly, dentists have been using it too for the longest time now. 


Along with being a ‘germ buster’ it is also a great tool for dental treatments. It is used to determine lingering dental cement (used in dental restoration) on the teeth. Also, for determining the presence and removal of cavity-causing bacteria and most importantly it acts as supplementary in disinfection of the Root Canals in Root canal treatment.


We understand the trouble of trying to find the best medical service, especially in these unprecedented times. Rest assured, we at MyDentalPlan believe in onboarding the best dentists who embrace state-of-the-art technology and provide the best quality treatment while keeping their patients safe. Find your nearest dentist at India’s largest dental network (



  • root canal treatment
  • UV rays
  • use of UV rays
  • cavity causing bacteria
  • dental treatments